Of Unreachables

Of all the qualities to describe a window, unreachable is a nefarious one.

The picture frame has set the stage; at this moment in time, what is inside has taken up most of the vision. High reverberation proves an existence within the space, but step closer to the window to let the glass pane slowly take more of the periphery and release the surrounding. Blinding light unravels and begins to muffle sounds of the interior. A transition is taking place as the white light turns into familiar objects: that abstract shape of a tree is indeed a tree, that figure-ground of a snake, well no, that turns to be a couple laying on a grassy field - their shapes overlapped and gives resemblance to anything the imagination wills in the absence of clarity. Nevertheless, a transition is still developing. It is that moment when the outside is a place desired, the destination.

But this window is unreachable so forget about that transition.